Standard Falsecard
Today I would like to share a deal with a standard defense which quite a number of players may miss.
West Pass AP | North 1 2 | East Pass Pass | South 1 NT1 3 NT | Board 1 | A Q 10 9 4 K 7 5 3 A 5 3 6 | ||
K 8 10 9 Q 8 7 4 K 10 8 7 5 | J | ||||||
1. Forcing | 3 NT South | Q |
You are West and lead 7 against 3NT, partner produces the J to force declarer's Q.
Declarer plays a spade to 10 and partner's J. He returns 4 and declarer followed 2 which you take the trick with 5.
What's your plan now?
Declarer has AQ, and about 6 hcp in heart and diamond.
Declarer has 4 spades, 1 diamond, 2 clubs.
If he has A, the contract is on ice cold. Therefore we assume he does not have it.
In that case, he might have KJ and Q to justify his bidding.
Hence, we knock out A with K to show a suit preference to heart.
Later on, when he runs the spades, we make our discard to encourage heart and discourage diamond.
Finally, a thinking declarer will make the losing diamond finesse instead of trying to find East with A.
OK, I was the thinking declarer.
The full deal:
The full deal:
Board 1 | A Q 10 9 4 K 7 5 3 A 5 3 6 | ||
K 8 10 9 Q 8 7 4 K 10 8 7 5 | J 3 2 A J 6 4 2 10 6 J 4 3 | ||
3 NT South | 9 6 5 Q 8 K J 9 2 A Q 9 2 |
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