To Splinter or Not
This is a deal from Kornhill Swiss Team 2018 on 3/4.
It demonstrates a typical misunderstandings player may have when they have 4 cards support to Opener's 1M opening bid with a shortness.
It demonstrates a typical misunderstandings player may have when they have 4 cards support to Opener's 1M opening bid with a shortness.
Board 12 Dealer: West N-S Vul | | ||
A K J 7 6 3 Q 7 Q 9 8 J 3 | Q 9 5 4 A 3 A K 7 5 3 2 6 |
West opens the bidding with 1 and East has a very nice hand now.
A few options in your mind and how do you rate them?
1) Jacoby 2NT
2) 2
3) 4, or similar method to show Splinter in in your system
Please think about the answer before reading on.
1) Jacoby 2NT
This choice is not good because you often found yourself do not know what to do with any Opener's rebid.
A hand with AK, Q, A you have a lay down grand slam but Opener will rebid 4 in standard Jacoby 2NT method.
In this way, you do not have sufficient bidding space to exchange information.
2) 2
This is the best start for this hand.
-Bridge is a game of bidding the suits.
-Slam needs controls and source of tricks.
By starting with this bid, you can show your source of tricks for slam.
Opener can know the value of his golden Q.
Also, you get to know more about Opener's hand and you did not miss the chance to make a delayed Splinter.
Suggested Auction:
Delayed Splinter suggests the first suit is a good 5+ cards suit, usually with 2+ top honors, and 4+ cards trump support.
Therefore, West can now cuebid his Q and pretending to have Q when 10 cards fit is known.
3) 4, or similar method to show Splinter in in your system
This is better than Jacoby 2NT.
Showing the shortness in club can make Opener easier to evaluate his hand.
Splinter bids should be polarized - either at the lower end 12-14 or a hand that can be the captain of bidding 17+.
If it is at the lower end, the hand should not have a good side suit.
On the captain hands, since you are already the captain, just do what you want.
A few options in your mind and how do you rate them?
1) Jacoby 2NT
2) 2
3) 4, or similar method to show Splinter in in your system
Please think about the answer before reading on.
1) Jacoby 2NT
This choice is not good because you often found yourself do not know what to do with any Opener's rebid.
A hand with AK, Q, A you have a lay down grand slam but Opener will rebid 4 in standard Jacoby 2NT method.
In this way, you do not have sufficient bidding space to exchange information.
2) 2
This is the best start for this hand.
-Bridge is a game of bidding the suits.
-Slam needs controls and source of tricks.
By starting with this bid, you can show your source of tricks for slam.
Opener can know the value of his golden Q.
Also, you get to know more about Opener's hand and you did not miss the chance to make a delayed Splinter.
Suggested Auction:
West 1 2 4 5 | North Pass Pass Pass Pass | East 2 4 4 NT 6 | South Pass Pass Pass AP |
Delayed Splinter suggests the first suit is a good 5+ cards suit, usually with 2+ top honors, and 4+ cards trump support.
Therefore, West can now cuebid his Q and pretending to have Q when 10 cards fit is known.
3) 4, or similar method to show Splinter in in your system
This is better than Jacoby 2NT.
Showing the shortness in club can make Opener easier to evaluate his hand.
Splinter bids should be polarized - either at the lower end 12-14 or a hand that can be the captain of bidding 17+.
If it is at the lower end, the hand should not have a good side suit.
On the captain hands, since you are already the captain, just do what you want.
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