
Showing posts from February, 2018

Dealing with 7-4 Hands

Say you are holding the below hand and partner open the bidding with 1NT. Do you make a Stayman or transfer directly into heart?  10 7 5 4  A Q 10 9 8 5 4  4  J

Putting Enough Pressure

This is a deal in the Open League on 2/10/2018.

Proceed with Care

This is a deal in the Open League on 2/10/2018. I sit South as the declarer of 4 .

A Little Bit Too High

My friend shared this declarer play problem to me. Although the contract looks dangerous, an experienced declarer is still able to bring the contract home. You may think about the declarer play before reading on. West Pass Pass Pass North 1  Dbl 3 NT East 2  Pass AP South 1  Pass 2 NT Board 7 IMPs Both Vul  Q 10 7 4  J 8 7 3  7  K Q J 4 Trick 1  Lead  5 2nd 7 3rd 9 4th  ? 3 NT South  A 3 2  A 6  A Q 6  10 9 7 6 2