
Improving Your 2/1 Structure (2)

Let's talk more about the Bergen Raise in previous article. I suggested to play it in a reversed way and we can move onto the details today.

Improving Your 2/1 Structure (1)

Two-over-one Game Force is a popular bidding system structure in Hong Kong. I would like to initiate a series of article on how to improve this structure.

Making the Right Call

At the table, sometimes we are at the cross road and do not know which call is the best. Let's see what you would do with this hand.

Standard Falsecard

Today I would like to share a deal with a standard defense which quite a number of players may miss.

To Splinter or Not

This is a deal from Kornhill Swiss Team 2018 on 3/4. It demonstrates a typical misunderstandings player may have when they have 4 cards support to Opener's 1M opening bid with a shortness.

Jacoby 2NT

This is a deal from the Edward Chok Swiss Team on 3/2/2018. I found some players are not understanding the rationale behind Jacoby 2NT and missed a reasonable slam.

Dealing with 7-4 Hands

Say you are holding the below hand and partner open the bidding with 1NT. Do you make a Stayman or transfer directly into heart?  10 7 5 4  A Q 10 9 8 5 4  4  J